Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Nita Beshear to visit Library

The Hartshorne Library Friends of the Library are proud to bring Nita Beshear, local author, to the Hartshorne Library on May 8t at 1:00pm. This is a quote from the back of her book, "Devoted to Quilting"
"These devotionals are for quilters at all ability levels and also for lovers of quilts. From the quilt spectator to the quilting professional, a quilt is more that a simple coverlet. The process of creating a quilt provides moments of frustration, fear, stress, fun, or adventure. For the quilt spectator recipient, the quilt offers memories of these same feelings or memories of these emotional times".
Come in and enjoy listening to Nita speak of the book. She will also be happy to sign purchased books.
Refreshments will be served. Please, come support a local author.

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